
Represents a shopping cart which is a result of queries or mutations, along with any possible errors that occurred during operations.


cart: Cart!

The unique identifier (ID) of the cart, used to reference and interact with the cart in subsequent API operations.

errors: [CartError!]!

An array of possible cart errors.


cart(id: ID!)

Returns a CartResponse object by ID.


createCart(input: CartCreateInput!)

Create a Cart with buyer identity details

updateCartItems(input: CartItemsUpdateInput!)

Updates only existing products in a Cart. Returns an error if prompted to update non-existing product.

updateCartBuyerIdentity(input: CartBuyerIdentityUpdateInput!)

Updates buyer identity if not provided in createCart mutation

addCartItems(input: CartItemsAddInput!)

Adds only non-existing products in a Cart. Skips already existing products.

deleteCartItems(input: CartItemsDeleteInput!)

Removes existing products in a Cart. Returns an error if prompted to delete non-existing product.