
Returns an Order object by ID. This query can be used to retrieve information about the individual order.


When called for a not submitted cart, Order.status will always be PENDING and Order.events array will be empty. After cart submission Order.status will change according to the current checkout state and the Order.events array will be populated.

Sometimes, when using the orderById query, the returned status may be ACTION_REQUIRED. In this case, you should check the "requiredActions" field for each order with this status and perform the necessary actions. Currently, there is only one required action: CompletePaymentChallenge, also known as 3D-S Challenge.

3D-S (3D-Secure) is a security protocol designed to provide an additional layer of authentication for online credit and debit card transactions. When a customer attempts to make a payment, they are redirected to their bank's website, where they are asked to enter a unique password to confirm their identity. This helps prevent fraud and unauthorized purchases.

If 3D-S challenge completion is required, you should display the redirectURL to the end buyer. Once the end buyer completes the challenge, Rye will continue with order processing.


This query returns a successful response even if the invalid order id is provided


id: ID!

The ID of the Order


Order.*: Order

Any requested field from the Order object.


    "id": "{{orderId}}"
query OrderById($id: ID!) {
  orderByID(id: $id) {
    events {
    requiredActions {
    	... on CompletePaymentChallenge {
    "data": {
        "orderByID": {
            "id": "00401732-8a19-48eb-be6a-6138d2f666c7",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "events": [
                    "id": "8f5e46ce-9d59-4038-a1c7-4523f1306a30",
                    "createdAt": "2023-04-11T20:40:15.737Z"
                    "id": "9b109988-2332-4490-9bb2-e71f0220131a",
                    "createdAt": "2023-04-11T20:40:48.367Z"
                    "id": "b083aa71-c169-4065-80f5-281dfc8952e3",
                    "createdAt": "2023-04-11T20:40:48.408Z"
          	"requiredActions": []

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