
The ShopifyVariant type allows Rye's cart API to manage and display information about specific variants of Shopify products, such as their availability, pricing, and custom options.


id: ID!

The unique identifier for the Shopify product variant. This field is required.

title: String!

The title of the Shopify product variant. This field is required.

image: Image!

The image associated with the Shopify product variant. This field is required.

isAvailable: Boolean!

Indicates whether the variant is available in stock. This field is required.

compareAtPrice: String!

The original price of the variant, which can be used to show the current price at a discount against this price.

price: String!

The current price of the product variant.

isShippingRequired: Boolean!

Indicates whether this product requires shipping, which can be used to distinguish between physical and digital products.

SKU: String!

The product SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the variant.

isTaxable: Boolean!

Indicates whether taxes can be applied to this product.

weight: Int!

The weight of the product in grams.

option1: String

Additional options available for this product, usually representing extra customizations.

option2: String

Additional options available for this product, usually representing extra customizations.

option3: String

Additional options available for this product, usually representing extra customizations.

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